PC-6000 Diesel 5L

PC-6000 Diesel 5L
SAE : 15W - 40
API service : CF4

NPT : BIO59E3154010627 sampai 2027-06-30)
NPB : 1-113-027-231450-5 (sampai 2027-07-31)
SNI : 7069.5:2012 (sampai 2027-07-31)

BM1 dengan PC AFA yang sudah terbukti mengurangi gesekan secara optimal, mampu menurunkan panas mesin sehingga kendaraan semakin awet, hemat BBM dan selalu dalam performa maksimal!

PC-6000 Diesel engine lubricant oil with double viscosity creates better acceleration and more stable temperature, very suitable for moderate diesel engine heavy. Manufactured in year 2000 and after is already used.

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